OfficeTalk Support, Training and Consultancy

OfficeTalk Support
Whilst OfficeTalk is a very easy product to learn and use, it does offer an exceptional breadth and depth of functionality. Inevitably, as an organisation's use of OfficeTalk grows, so its objectives become more complex. This leads to the need to know how to use OfficeTalk most efficiently and effectively. Sareen Software's Customer Service and Support personnel are trained to help supported users get the most out of OfficeTalk.

Many organisations using OfficeTalk are already using their networks to share desktop applications, such as Microsoft Word and Excel, and to share word processing and spreadsheet files. They are not necessarily running applications such as OfficeTalk, which is an on-line transaction processing system, across their whole organisation. OfficeTalk is an inherently stable application. However, should a network suffer from failures, such as the server going down or a faulty network card, this can, on occasion lead to corruption in the OfficeTalk Data Structure. Sareen Software's Customer Service and Support personnel are trained to get supported users up and running again in the shortest possible time. And in the very rare event that individual datafiles become corrupted, where possible a file repair service may be provided.

All OfficeTalk users benefit from free support during the 60 day evaluation period. Should you have any queries at all, please contact us - we will be pleased to help.

Support is provided by telephone, fax, E-Mail and CompuServe. Telephone support is available between 9.30am and 5.30pm, British Standard Time, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays. A 1800 number is provided for users in North America.

Support becomes chargeable once you have purchased OfficeTalk. The charge is 10% of the list price of your installation per annum, with a minimum charge of ú70. Workgroups with support contracts also benefit from free maintenance releases and preferential pricing on version upgrades and other services. Support should never be viewed as a substitute for adequate training.

OfficeTalk Training and Consultancy
Implementing a workgroup information manager such as OfficeTalk, whilst designed to be a straightforward process, obviously impacts upon day to day work. Many organisations therefore have made the decision to consult with Sareen Software to establish the most suitable way to implement OfficeTalk within their organisation. Often requirements can be satisfied by putting some or all of the users through one or more of Sareen Software's standard courses.

Sareen Software Consultancy Services offer 3 standard OfficeTalk training courses: If your needs fall outside the scope of one of these standard courses, please contact Sareen Software to discuss the possibility of a bespoke training course.

Primarily designed for the user new to OfficeTalk or for the user wishing to consolidate their experience.

Topics Covered
Course Requirements:1 PC per trainee
Knowledge Requirements:Competent Windows user
Course Outline:09:30 - 13:00 with a 15 min break
Maximum Group Size:8

Primarily designed for the user with experience of OfficeTalk, wishing to utilise the more advanced features including creating documents for the entire workgroup and importing data into the central address book.

Topics Covered:
Course Requirements:1 PC per trainee
Knowledge Requirements:Competent Windows user
OfficeTalk Introductory Course Level
Course Outline:09:30 - 13:00 with a 15 min break
14:00 - 16:30 with a 15 min break
Maximum Group Size:6

Designed for the OfficeTalk Supervisor, this course will provide the new OfficeTalk Supervisor with all the skills required to efficiently administer the OfficeTalk workgroup, and configure it for maximum effectiveness.

Topics Covered:
Course Requirements:1 PC per trainee
Knowledge Requirements:Competent Windows user
Basic familiarity with OfficeTalk
Course Outline:09:30 - 13:00 with a 15 min break
14:00 - 16:30 with a 15 min break
Maximum Group Size:4

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Copyright © 1996 Sareen Software Plc
Last Updated: 24/9/96
Webmaster: Karl Flower